Lo spazio d’arte “viadelprincipe” di Catania, giovedì 24 ottobre ospita il closing party della mostra collettiva “NEW CERAMICS Group show”
A partire dalle 19.00 e fino alle 24.00 sarà possibile ammirare le opere presenti, e assistere al dj set di musica sperimentale a cura di NONZOBASS (electronic vinyl) e Nerate.
Luci a cura di Alessandro Arena
Via del Principe 20, Catania. Ingresso gratuito.
info e contatti:
Salvatore Lanteri 391 4057752
mail: info.gallerialanteri@gmail.com
Matilde Arena 3498848821
Alessandro Arena 3478531116
mail: viadelprincipe@yahoo.com
4graphic: @studioamatoriale
NONZOBASS plays techno with vinyl. He falls in love with electronic music, and marries the cause of techno, immediately and definitively. For over 15 years he has been playing techno in Sicily. In Catania he was among the founders of the Rewind Crew, sound system promoter, among other things, of the first street parade of Catania (2006). Its sound is inspired by North European and American techno.